It made me sad.....I will hope that the rumors are not true, but we all also know what a bitch pancreatic cancer is.
I have always had a soft spot in my little black heart for the Swayze. I heart guilty pleasures (everyone needs at least a couple) and I rate the Swayze amongst mine.
Woke up this morning, after a night of nightmares (more on that later), and put in Dirty Dancing.

I prefer Road House (why don't I own Road House anyway??) but this worked....

BTW I don't think 'Nobody puts baby in a corner' is the best Swayze line in the movie.
My money is on:
"You just put your pickle on everybody's plate, college boy, and leave the hard stuff to me."
Hahahaha........LOVES IT
Much love out to my man Swayze,
Mother Firefly
He fought an entire Russian invasion and saw a black dog, it cant stop now. I am tivo'ing his new show, The Beast, it looks pretty good.
Black Dog Rocks.
Another movie we didn't mention is Donnie Darko. he was a perv with a curve in that one.
Should probably mention Ghost as well even though I'd watch all the other movies we mentioned first.
That Wong Fu one was good
Dang, I forgot Wong I gotta go look at IMDB and see what else I'm missing........
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