I've seen (and loved) two of the films already, Black Sunday, and the Final Girl Film Club selection for January, Black Sabbath.

Black Sabbath is a trilogy of films that begins with an introduction and words of wisdom from my friend and yours, Boris Karloff:
Our first shortie short is called, simply:
I know, who saw that coming, right?
As you might anticipate, the calls keep coming and each one gets more threatening. Pretty soon our heroine is doing the only thing she can do:
Cry, smoke, and call a girlfriend:
And then immediately hangs up only to call back:
Oh, for the days when you could disguise your voice by merely putting a handkerchief over the phone!
Psycho friend comes over and keeps up with the crazy talk:
It's the really GOOD friends that will come over in the middle of the night when you're being phone stalked and give you tranquilizers:
Psycho friend sits down in her PJs and writes a letter:
Hey Girl,
Guess What? It was ME making all those crazy calls that made you cry and chain smoke. I just PRETENDED to be a psychopath so you'd give a bitch a call and we could be BFFs again.
Don't be mad, K?
Yer HomeGirl
Oh, Irony.
Um, okay.
On to Part Two:Where we learn that Wurdulak translated into English means:
Wurdulaks are really just another kind of vampire, but these vampires are especially fond of drinking blood from people they know and love.
The Wurdulak is probably the best story in the movie and the one filled with the creepiest visuals:
Boris Karloff, scary as he's ever been:
Creepy little vampire kid bonus points of 10,000,000
And a bevy of creepy vamps to see you out with:
Lastly, we have:
Which is the story of what three years of nursing school did to poor Mama Firefly:
It's just a sweet, warmhearted story of what happens when you steal from dead people who are into the occult:
In a nutshell, it goes a little like this:
And BOO! (Cat included)
Personally, I think Walt Disney needs to make a ride out of this section of the movie PRONTO.
And Boris is there again at the end to impart more words of wisdom:
Anything else?
Will do, Uncle Boris.
Will do.
-Mother Firefly
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